Objective: To study the correlation between the diseases of latex fill up and intraductal papillary epithelioma. 目的:探讨积乳症与乳管内乳头状瘤(病)的相关性。
Cases unknown origin underwent exploratory laparotomy, 4 cases were Meckel's diverticulum, 2 cases were polyp of small intestine, 1 case was papillary epithelioma. 7例原因不明者行剖腹探查术,术中发现美克尔憩室4例,小肠息肉2例,小肠假淋巴瘤1例。
The types of skin cancers mainly were papillary epithelioma and squamous cell carcinoma. 肿瘤的主要类型为乳头状瘤和鳞状细胞癌。
Twenty-one patients were performed operation. Among them, 14,3,3 and 1 patients were diagnosed as papillary epithelioma, papillomatosis, galactophoritis complicated with phlegmasia granuloma and breast adenosis complicated with comedomastitis in pathology respectively. 手术21例,术后病理诊断乳管内乳头状瘤14例,乳头状瘤病3例,乳管炎伴炎性肉芽肿3例,乳腺腺病合并乳管扩张1例。
Results Pathological exam showed fibroadenoma of breast in 226 cases, adenosis of breast in 172 cases, lacteal cyst in 48 cases, intraductal papillary epithelioma in 9 cases, ductal ectasia in 3 cases. 病理结果:乳腺纤维腺瘤226例,乳腺腺病瘤样增生172例,乳腺囊肿48例,乳管内乳头状瘤9例,乳腺导管扩张3例。
Study on the Expression of Livin α Gene in Bladder Papillary Epithelioma Livinα在膀胱移行细胞乳头状瘤中的表达